Introducing Rocksbox Jewelry + How to Get Yours FREE

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Bet You Didn't Know This About Me . . .

Brace yourselves, I'm about to say something really really shocking.  I HATE buying jewelry.  Gasp!No, for real!  I honestly HATE buying jewelry.  Super crazy, right???!!Well Melissa you ask, "How could someone who blogs about fashion "HATE buying jewelry"???  Well, I do.  Here's the deal, I LOVE wearing jewelry, I just HATE buying it.  Why?  It gets all tangled up (btw:  you should see my latest jewelry ball after moving.  That thing ain't never coming untangled.)  Not to mention, I don't know how to store jewelry (Exhibit A, the top of my dresser and a shoebox), trends change and it's expensive.  All of these were holding me back from purchasing pieces of jewelry until I came across Rocksbox.

Do you know Rocksbox?   . . . (Read more after the jump)

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Jacket (*similar*) // Shirt // Confetti // Jewelry(Try 1-Month FREE)

Kendra Scott, Kate Spade, Gorjana Jewelry (Oh, My!)

Kendra Scott, Kate Spade, Gorjana, House of Harlow 1960 and Jenny Bird are the"It Girl" designers.  Who doesn't swoon over the new Kendra Scott earring or who doesn't get happy feelings over the new Kate Spade jewelry piece?  I know I do.But keeping up with all the latest jewelry designers can be so costly and trends definitely change.  Who remembers puka shell necklaces and herringbone chains?! Ugh!!!Luckily, Rocksbox has found a way to keep us girls stylish and trendy with their subscription try before you buy jewelry service.  So go ahead and get laced in all the "It Girl" brands without breaking the bank or cluttering your house.  For $21/ month, you'll receive 3 pieces of jewelry on loan.  You can keep them to wear as long as you like, exchange them for 3 new pieces or purchase them.  The choice is yours.  Even better, shipping (both ways) is absolutely FREE.

For a limited time, you can TRY ROCKSBOX1-month for FREE!CLICK HERE

-XOXO Melissa

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For a limited time, you can TRY ROCKSBOX1-month for FREE!CLICK HERE

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