Do You Know the Girl Behind the Blog?

Melissa smiling with coffee

We are Growing!

Happy Tuesday my friends!  I hope this week is going well for everyone.  Since launching Resplendently Living last June, I'm super happy to say we are growing and it's so exciting.  And as we grow, I felt this was the perfect time to share 10 Quirky Things About Me.  As I've gotten older, I've learned to be more comfortable in my skin.  Embracing the good, the bad and the quirkier sides of me.  I can recall growing up, I would always try to down play or hide anything different about me for fear that I would be made fun of or not accepted.  But you live and you learn that it's our differences that makes us so unique and interesting.

10 Quirky Things About Me, Resplendently Living Melissa

1.  I Grew To Love Coffee

I wasn't always a coffee obsessed gold card carrying member of Starbucks.  My love for coffee began later in life at my first "adult" job after college.  To me, coffee didn't taste as delicious as it smelled.  But if I was going to give this "adult" thing a try, coffee felt like it had to be part of the equation.  2 sugars and 2 creams and a lot of gourmet coffee later, I can definitely relate to my "But First Coffee" tee.

2.  I Don't Get Bit By Mosquitos

Yes, you read that correctly.  I don't (really) get bit by mosquitos. . . and it's PRETTY AWESOME!  Not sure why, but I've only met one other person like me.  I Googled it and the best answer I could find was there's a chemical in my blood that mosquitos just aren't interested in.  Oh, well.  Glad they don't find me sexy.

3.  I Haven't Shaved My Legs in at Least 3 Years

In short:  I don't grow hair on my legs.  On my head, yes.  On my legs, no.  My mom and my dad are the same way.  We don't do leg hair.  And it's AWESOME! :)

4.  I love OBSESSED with Jeopardy

Dear Alex Trebek, I need to meet you and I need to be a contestant on Jeopardy.  I can neither confirm nor deny timing my work day break around Jeopardy.  Just know when Jeopardy is on, no one in the house speaks.  I need all the silence and concentration I can get to answer those hard ass questions.

5.  3.14 π is More than just a Math Number

My birthday is on Pi Day 3.14 or March 14th.  Which makes me a little giddy inside considering I love math.  BONUS Nerd Alert:  I share a birthday with Albert Einstein and Steph Curry.

6.  I HATE Ketchup . . .

And Mayo is really weird.  Team Mustard all day everyday!

7.  I Once Crashed a Wedding and a Celebrity Called Me Out On It

True Story; however, I'll tell you more about it later.  Just know that it happened :)

8.  I Hate "Fixing" My Hair

Please do not let this blog, my Instagram or Facebook fool you.  I would say a smooth 90% of of the time, my hair is in some sort of ponytail configuration and I'm in something stretchy (perks of working from home).  There's the high pony, the low pony, the middle pony, the high pony bun (my personal favorite) . . . the list is endless.

9.  I Seriously Don't Know Where I'm From (Real Life)

"How do you not know where you are from?"  Well, I don't.  Every time someone asks me that question, I cringe inside.  I never know how to answer that question.  So, I just respond with whatever I'm personally feeling that day.  Truth is, I spent a good portion of my life in Kansas and another good portion in Louisiana.  Sooooo, where does that make me from?

10.  I Google EVERYTHING!

I seriously Google EVERYTHING!  Want to fact check a tv show (or your friend) . . .  Want to find a recipe for cooking Brussel sprouts . . .  Want to find out anything . . .  I really should look at buying shares in Google.

BONUS:  I Love Harry Potter

Read the books and watched all of the movies.  The Wonderful World of Harry Potter is definitely on my list to experience.

About My Look:

If I'm not in a ponytail or something stretchy, this is pretty much how I live my life.  Comfort being the key.  Ripped jeans and a sassy tee with a message.

-XOXO Melissa

Melissa pointing at her But First Coffee tee with jeans, booties, and Louis Vuitton bag
Melissa half body image with Starbucks coffee and But First Coffee tee
Melissa with coffee and purse

Tee // Vest Jacket // Jeans // Bracelet Stack // Ring // Purse // Purse Charm *Pom pom & *Owl // Shoes

Photo Credit: C Wright Photography

Melissa leaning against a wall with coffee and purse